Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Transforming Theology: Loss of Shared Convictions

When thinking about the loss of shared convictions, I wonder if our fast food culture isn't to blame for some of this. It's hard work to dig into theology and determine beliefs. The church has tried to make it easier by telling people what to think, do, believe and/or behave. Our worship service structure even revolves around this. We center our services around a sermon where we tell people what to think and what to do. We've spoon-fed people for so long that they no longer see the need for a personal pursuit of theology or a need to allow what little theology they do have to impact their lives.

It's kind of like deciding you're hungry and then pulling into the nearest drive-thru. What you eat is determined by the menu of that particular fast food joint, and you accept that and go for it. If, at any point, you get tired of that or have a problem with that, you just drive on down the road to the next fast food joint. There isn't a lot of thought involved. It's just what you do.

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